Writing Samples
Writing Samples by Stacey J. Miller
You can see my latest two books on Amazon.
1. Getting Past Childhood Bullying: How Adults Can Recover From Trauma That Began at School (BPT Press, 2018)
2. Feline Operation Barfitty Blues: The College Emissions Scandal (BPT Press, 2019)
Writing Sample 1
The Truth About Root Canals
What Is a Root Canal?
root canal, which means removing an infected nerve, is a generally accepted way
to relieve serious tooth pain. Since the tooth's nerve serves no vital
function, you can eliminate it with impunity in the event of severe tooth
decay, injury, or infection.
of the time, root canals are relatively safe and effective. There are few risks
associated with having the procedure, while there are many potential drawbacks
to avoiding it.
do you know whether you should take the step of having a root canal? If
you're experiencing intolerable pain while you eat or otherwise put pressure on
your tooth; feeling extreme sensitivity to hot or cold; seeing a protrusion or
swelling /near the source of your pain; or finding that your tooth is
darkening, it may be time to heed your dentist's advice and take action.
Stoicism is Vastly Overrated
you believe that only weak, ineffectual people take their toothaches seriously.
You, on the other hand, are tough enough to ignore your dentist's advice to see
an endodontist.
you may be mistaken. Your ability to ignore pain doesn't necessarily mean that
you are brave or heroic. Rather, it may be an indication that you are simply
foolhardy enough to risk sacrificing your tooth. Ignoring your dentist's advice
is nothing to brag about. You have nothing to gain by continuing to suffer from
a toothache and far more to lose than you may imagine.
a root canal that your dentist recommends can result in:
● Prolonged and unnecessary pain
● Worsening infection
● Exacerbating the problem and exposing yourself
to serious health risks
● Losing a tooth which, ironically, could cost you
far more than having a root canal
studies have found that, over the long term, a root canal can help you retain a
tooth that might otherwise have to be extracted due to decay or bacterial
infection. An untreated toothache may lead you to a lifetime of needless
It's Easier Than You Think
many people believe that having a root canal is the most painful imaginable
dental procedure, that simply isn't true. In fact, endodontists and general
dentists perform more than 25 million root canals annually, and only
17% of their patients describe it as "their most painful dental
experience." Fully 89%
of people who have had a root canal are satisfied with the results. Enduring
the pain of a toothache may be far worse than undergoing the procedure to
relieve it.
What Will You Pay for a Root Canal
you're sold on the idea of having a root canal, you may want to prepare
yourself for the costs associated with it. Having a root canal nearly always
means having a crown, too. In rare cases, patients who have a root canal
require only a filling afterward.
root canal procedure can range in cost from $300-$2,000, while a crown can cost an additional $500-$3,000. A
dental filling, of course, would cost hundreds of dollars less than a crown.
actual costs,
however, depend on the type and placement of the tooth involved. Incisors,
molars, canines, and premolars present different challenges, and whether they
are upper or lower teeth also matters.
complexity of the root canal may differ from one patient to the next, even if
the type of tooth is the same. For example, having fused roots or more than one
root can complicate the procedure.
factor in the expense is the type of crown or fillings that the endodontist or
dentist uses. For example, a crown may be made of ceramic, porcelain-fused to
metal, gold alloys, or base metal alloys. Their durability may differ,
depending upon the material. In other words, you may get what you pay for.
having a root canal and crown can be expensive, there are ways to minimize the
costs. Insurance, the government, and dental schools may help defray the
The Root Canal Procedure
to expect when you undergo a root canal. The endodontist or dentist will
numb your tooth, and then he or she will remove the tooth's root or pulp from
the root canal (which is the space inside the root). Depending on the amount of
pain you experienced before the root canal, you will likely experience little,
or no, further pain during the surgery.
next steps vary according to patients' specific situations. However,
endodontists or dentists may:
● Take X-rays of the tooth
● Place medicine inside the root canal to get rid
of bacteria
● Seal the root canal with a rubber-like material
● Place a temporary filling inside the tooth
the infection has spread, the endodontist or dentist may prescribe antibiotics.
You should take the medication and return to your general dentist, as directed,
to remove the temporary filling. Your dentist will either create a permanent
dental filling or, more likely, provide you with a crown.
What to Expect After the Surgery
the meantime, here's what to expect after you have had your root canal. Once
the local anesthesia wears off, you may experience mild
pain from the surgery itself and as a result of opening your jaw for an
extended time period. The endodontist or dentist may prescribe over-the-counter
or prescription painkillers.
back in touch with endodontist or dentist if:
● The pain lasts more than a few days
● Your temporary filling falls out
● You experience swelling
● The original toothache returns
● You have an allergic reaction to the medicine
● Your bite feels uneven
bite down on the treated tooth until the root canal, and the follow up
procedures, have been completed. Scrupulously floss, brush, and clean your
Myths About the Risks of Root Canals
may be reluctant to get a root canal because you have heard the procedure can
cause health problems. This misinformation was based on a dubious
study that was conducted nearly a century ago.
the 1920s study by Dr. Weston Price said that root canals can cause cancer and
other diseases. However, the study was conducted in nonsterile environments
under poorly controlled conditions. Other researchers have not been able to
duplicate its results.
is no reliable data that connects the procedure to cancer or any other
diseases. On the other hand, there is evidence that failing to undergo a root
canal can endanger your health. Losing your teeth due to decay, injury, or
infection can threaten your ability to socialize, eat, and enjoy the high
quality of life that you deserve.
Root Canals Failures
though Dr. Price's study lacks credibility, it is true that no surgery is
entirely free of risks. The question to ask yourself is whether the benefits of
the survey outweigh any potential risks. In the case of root canals, you will
find that they do.
of people safely undergo root canals each year. Endodontists and general
dentists conduct multiple procedures each day that are successful and produce
lasting results.
said, a high number of those surgeries result in failure. This
may be due to persistence of bacteria, inadequate root filling, improper
coronal seal, complications of instruments, and overlooking a canal during
who experience failed root canals require further treatment. This can increase
the cost of the procedure and prolong the healing time. Even in those cases,
however, dentists still would consider extracting a tooth to be a last resort.
It Still Beats the Alternative
Root canals have their risks, and few people
would ever describe having a root canal as enjoyable. However, root canals do
not deserve their negative reputation.
The hyperbole surrounding the pain associated
with root canals may cause you to panic. Fear of paying for a root canal, and
failure to understand that there may be ways to mitigate its costs, can
persuade you to worry far too much for your own good.
Having a root canal certainly becomes an
easier choice when you look at the facts. People may show far more enthusiasm
for undergoing a root canal when they realize that the only other reasonable treatment
option for unremitting pain is a tooth extraction. Pulling a tooth can be
far more dangerous than a root canal, because it increases the risk of allowing
bacteria to enter the bloodstream. Since
there is no perfect replacement for a tooth, we should all do whatever is
required to keep our natural teeth for the duration of our lifetimes.
The Perks of Better Dental Health
taking care of your teeth doesn't strike you as a priority. Your toothache may
not strike you as a big deal. However, you must take attend to your dental
problems to maximize your chances of maintaining your overall physical health.
from an oral infection can metastisize. That can cause health problems
that go far beyond your teeth. Ignoring an infection that begins in your mouth
eventually can lead to cardiovascular disease, pneumonia, or even diabetes.
Having a root canal can be a wise investment in your health and comfort, and it
can provide you with many reasons to keep on smiling.
Sample 2
Kids Room Ideas - DIY Projects Your Child Can Help With!
Kids Room Matters
child won't be a child forever. Sure, your kid sleeps in a bedroom in your home
now. But that won't always be true.
your kid will become a young adult. Then he or she will go to college and
inhabit another space. First, your child will move into a dorm or an apartment.
Then, your young adult will be ready to move into more permanent spaces. Perhaps
your child will own a condo or a house.
any case, it's never too soon to help your children learn to appreciate the
bedrooms they inhabit. They are the first pieces of real estate over which your
children have dominion.
bedrooms are their sanctuaries. They are safe places where your children sleep,
entertain their friends, do their homework, or enjoy some quiet time. You can
help your children turn their bedrooms into so much more than just another set
of walls. With your help, your kids can transform their rooms into the most
spectacular places in your home.
are the adult, and you will always be in charge of keeping your children safe.
You can't grant your child jurisdiction over much, but you can let your
children be in charge of turning their bedrooms into rooms that make them
with your children to make their rooms as welcoming and comfortable as they can
be. Do-it-yourself projects are great ways to let your kids turn their rooms
into their castles. Let your children participate in making their dreams come
true within their own walls. It's a simple way to provide your kids with a
sense of accomplishment in a job well done.
Where to Find DIY Projects for Kids Rooms
won't have a problem finding enough DIY projects for kids rooms. Pinterest,
Twitter, Facebook, and other social
networks are full of exciting DIY projects for turning kids rooms into havens
for children of all ages. Conduct an online search for "children's bedroom
ideas," "kids room projects," and "arts and crafts."
other parents for their suggestions. Keep an eye out for projects you've seen
other children complete.
find an endless supply of potential projects. The challenge will be to narrow
down the possibilities. In the universe of kids room do-it-yourself projects,
you'll find ideas to fit every situation.
Focus on Your Children
may find DIY projects that look like fun
and guarantee amazing results—for someone else's children or you. Remember that
this isn't an exercise in pleasing anyone else besides your children. Resist
the temptation to choose projects based on what appeals to other family
members, friends, or even you. Focus on your children instead.
point of working on DIY projects for kids rooms is to enrich your children's
lives and make them happy. Find DIY projects that are most likely to turn
ordinary rooms into extraordinary spaces in which your children can thrive.
your children in mind as you select DIY projects, and focus on what your kids
care about. Avoid the temptation to dictate the best ideas or the ways in which
you will carry out your projects. Offer your advice and the benefit of your
wisdom, but let your children lead the way. They will come away with rooms they
helped create, and they will appreciate the fact that you let them take a
leadership role in creating personalized spaces.
two children are alike. The DIY projects that would be perfect for one child
would be entirely inappropriate for another. Kids have their likes and
dislikes, just as they have their strengths and weaknesses. Respect those
preferences and differences.
child has a healthy obsession with something. Choosing a DIY project for kids
rooms should begin there. What does your child love? Here are some starter
animated movies starring
princesses, superheroes, or robots
horses, pandas, or other
your child's passions, talents, and interests as a launching pad. Together, you
can turn your child's bedroom into a prehistoric world; a fairy tale; a board
game; a laptop; a zoo; or a luxury car dealership.
your child want to be a performer? Perhaps his or her bedroom can become a
television set. Is your child showing interest in working in the field of
education? Then your child's bedroom might evolve into classroom. Does your
child want to become an astronaut or astrologer? In that case, you might turn
your child's bedroom into the solar system, a spaceship, or another planet. The
possibilities are limited only by your child's imagination and your willingness
to indulge it.
Types of Rooms
you sort through possible DIY projects, keep in mind the things that make your
project unique. For example, your child might have a bedroom that's smaller, or
larger, than usual. You might be working with a boy's room or a girl's room.
Your child may be physically challenged, or he or she may need to keep things
as consistent as possible.
you have multiple children who share a room or one child who frequently
entertains other kids. You might have older children and toddlers who share a
bedroom. Perhaps your have young relatives of various ages who often camp out
in your child's room.
your goals, and decide which of the potential DIY projects best suit your
needs. Let your children help you decide which projects would be the most
likely to fit your space and lifestyle.
Age Matters
your children are older, you can trust them to know which DIY projects they'd
be most excited about launching. They may also have the skills, and talent, to
help you get the job done right. Your teenagers may know their way around tools
and crafts. In fact, you may well find them teaching you how to proceed.
Therefore, if you're helping older children with DIY room projects, your may
have more options.
kids can still help you choose, and complete, room design projects. However,
they may have to depend on safety scissors, tape, crayons, and washable paints
rather than screwdrivers, hammers, wallpaper, or glitter.
course, make sure that anything you add to the room is safe for the children
who occupy it. Anything that can be chewed, swallowed, or pulled can compromise
a young child's safety.
Avoid introducing objects with sharp edges or heavy items that can tip over.
Types of Rooms
you discover possible DIY projects, keep in mind the things that make your
project unique. For example, your child might have a bedroom that's smaller, or
larger, than usual. You might be working with a boy's room or a girl's room.
Choose the Scope of the Project
your child and you choose to embark upon a major
room renovation project, then you might work together to overhaul the
walls, floors, closets, and the like. On average, it costs $7,880 to overhaul a
10' x 12' bedroom. For many people, that's a large expense. If your child can
contribute to the cost of redesigning the room, or if your child has earned a
lavish gift in another way, then you might want to consider choosing a DIY
project of that magnitude.
consider your mutual abilities, skill sets, and attention spans. Do you have
the knowledge required to reconstruct your child's bedroom, or is it possible
you will have to call in the professionals to help midway through the project?
you begin an large and expensive project and find yourself unable to complete
it, you might have to scramble to find another room where your child can
temporarily sleep, funds to hire experts, or patience to see through a project
for which you have lost interest. Even worse, you might find yourself having to
break a promise you made and disappointing your child.
avoid that possibility, you may want to choose smaller, more affordable
projects. Here are some options to consider:
crates to store toys
an indoor tree house
customized bookshelves
wall hangings
pegboards and corkboards
a mixture of projects, including some that will require ongoing effort and
others that will provide instant gratification. Let your child experience the
rewards of working hard. At the same time, orchestrate some successes. The
revolving bookcase may not work as you had hoped, and that may be a letdown.
But you can make up for it by creating the best poster, dollhouse, or reading
tent in the neighborhood!
All Benefits Count
may not always get the results you were seeking, but all benefits count. A DIY
Kids Room project can be a bonding experience.
might have to buy three times as much wallpaper to complete your project with
your child as you would need to do it alone. But your child's joy in helping,
and the skills he or she gains, will be worth far more than the cost of the
supplies. Also, you'll create shared memories that you can treasure together.
Sample 3
How to Write Catchy Product Descriptions
Meta : Your product descriptions have to be more than accurate and
informative. They must also engage visitors and turn them into customers.
Why Product Descriptions Matter
know what you're selling. As long as you put those items and the product
descriptions on your web site, people will buy them. Right? Unfortunately, that
is not the way it works.
descriptions must do more than inform visitors. They must hit responsive chords
with the people who read them.
product descriptions that work are a key component of solid copywriting.
That's a skill with which some people are born. However, the rest of us can develop
product descriptions should relay more than the bare facts. They should engage
potential buyers at a visceral level. They have to hook your visitors, but that
isn't enough. They must keep your visitors emotionally involved. Catchy product
descriptions retain potential customers' interest until, finally, they put the
item into their shopping carts and check out.
Do You Define Great Copy?
might be a terrific writer. Perhaps you have even turned your great writing
into a sales tool. Content writing can help your SEO ranking. Blogging
consistently and authoritatively can bring new customers to your web site.
Writing and publishing articles can help you build credibility and expand your
client base. Your writing skills may be helping you increase your visibility
and your selling potential.
writing great product descriptions is a different beast. Using the voice that
is perfect for, say, writing a guest blog will probably not help your customers
decide they must buy your product. Excellent copywriting is a separate art from
writing almost anything else. The good news is that you can transfer your
writing skills from what format to another. You can learn the technique of
writing copy that sells.
What Not to Do When You Write Copy
people assume that the only point of writing product descriptions is to sell.
They figuratively beat their customers over the head with a hard sales pitch.
capitalize letters to shout at their customers. They use boldfaced and
underlined type to make their words scream even more loudly. They use
hyperbolic language and make impossible promises. Those literary devices turn
off readers and encourage them to disregard everything you have told them.
they are copying the techniques they have seen other people use when they're
writing sales letters. Unfortunately, their techniques probably won't work most
of the time. Using a hard sales technique can turn off the very people you want
to attract.
What to Do Instead
purpose of copywriting isn't to beat your visitors over the head and harass
them into buying the products you're selling. Instead, it is to connect with
your potential customers emotionally and motivate them to buy your products.
to create a bond with a customer, you have to reach the right type of person.
That means getting to know who will buy your product or service.
product or service may be perfect for some people. However, everyone has
different needs and preferences. There is no product or service that fits the
bill for every person. Some people will love what you are selling and will
recommend it to everyone they know. Other people won't understand the point of
spending money on that product or service.
your job is to understand the differences between the people who need what you
have to sell and those who do not. You begin that process by getting to know
your ideal customers. Find out:
where they live
how they make buying decisions
what motivates them
what they lack
what they'll pay
when they'll buy
the people who are most likely to buy your products speedily and who will find
the items you sell indispensable. For example, maybe your ideal customer is a
young woman who is single. Perhaps her pets are her pride and joy, and she
doesn't yet have children. During the holiday season, she might be willing to
indulge the furry members of her family in extravagant toys, treats. If she
lives in a part of the country where winters are cold, she might also be in the
market for clothing, blankets, and furniture that can help keep her pets warm
and cozy. You might be able to sell the portraits of her pets, or products such
as calendars, mugs, and greeting cards that incorporate her dogs' or cats'
you catch the same potential customer in June, she might not be willing to
spend the same amount of money on extras for her pets. She might, however, be
in the market for more practical products such as brushes, nail clippers,
collars, leashes, bowls, toothpaste, and water fountains.
you've defined your ideal customer and learned everything you can about that
person, move on. You can find customers who fit into a secondary category. The
more customers you can identify and understand, the greater your chances of
writing product descriptions that answer their needs.
Elements of Great Copywriting
sells everything online. You might be selling knitting patterns for a
three-eyed llama with a purple tail. No one else is selling anything like that,
right? Check it out in your favorite search engine. You might be surprised.
you can imagine, find, or create is probably not unique. Somewhere, some other
person or company is probably selling it. If you want customers, you have to
let them know why your product or service is unique.
winning product description differentiates your brand from others. It explains,
from the customer's point of view, why your product or service is better than others.
In fact, it drives home the message that your product or service is exactly
what they need now.
must do more than let visitors know what you're selling. You have to let them
know why your product or service matters. You'll need to find an angle that
your competitors have missed.
other home cleaning services focus on their years of experience, reliability,
and budget. Those assets might be tough to match. Instead, you have to figure
out where you add value. Perhaps you are available on short notice. Your copy
might read: "Did you just find out the in-laws are coming for the weekend?
That's not a problem. ABC cleaners can get your home ready before your visitors
have finished packing."
you only convey the facts, you will miss an opportunity to connect with your
potential customers. Your goal is to help them understand more than your
product or service. You have to share with them an experience.
is why commercials for luxury cars feature well-heeled drivers in exotic
locations; soft drink ads depict carefree friends cavorting around at the
beach; big box stores show high-energy families who are piling their carriages
high, and vacation spots show beautiful people with perfect bodies relaxing on
the beach.
not selling only a product or service. You are packing an experience that
people feel they are lacking. In a sense, you are exploiting a need you see in
your ideal customers. You are selling them the possibility of feeling joyful
and better about themselves.
The Rules of Good Writing
though composing catchy product descriptions is different from other types of
writing, the same rules apply. Remember the rules
of good writing. Use the active, rather than passive, voice. Avoid
redundancies. Vary your sentence structures so that the rhythm changes. Replace
adjective and adverbs with descriptive nouns and active verbs.
your sentences short, and write clearly. Customers have to understand what
you're selling. Avoid jargon and anything abstract. Ambiguity will confuse
people and, potentially, turn them away. Keep related words together, and make
sure your writing is specific.
communicate honestly. If you make claims you can't support, potential customers
might tune out everything else you've said.
a great headline. You can't retain a customer's attention unless you capture
an editor. Nothing will turn customers off as quickly as typographical errors.
Beyond Good Writing
face it, though. You don't want to write well. You want to write extraordinary
catchy product descriptions that sell.
other words, you want to write seductive copy. Romancing your readers and persuading
them to buy the dream you're selling requires more than good writing. It
involves captivating them. As with other types of writing, there are tricks to
the copywriting trade.
you attempt to inform your readers, you probably have lost the sale. Visitors
don't want to hear a series of facts. They want solutions to their problems.
They want to fantasize. Help them.
your visitors how great their lives would be if only they were holding your
product in their hands, or they hired you to perform a service for them. You
are not telling them how long the pair of shoes you're selling will last, who
made them, or how much they cost. You are showing the executive how her
colleagues will admire her put-together look at their next meeting. You are promising
the health care provider that, even after he stays on his feet for an entire
shift, your shoes will keep him as comfortable as if he were wearing slippers.
sound bites and memorable phrases. Let your visitors know that your shoes can
turn an ordinary vacation into an adventure, a story to tell their
grandchildren, or something to brag about at the next networking event they
writing may sell your visitors on how well you can string words together.
Writing catchy product descriptions will convince customers to buy whatever it
is you have to sell.