How Stormy Daniels and the Adult Entertainment Industry Have Changed Our Tastes, Behaviors, and Culture

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          How Stormy Daniels and the Adult Entertainment Industry
Have Changed Our Tastes, Behaviors, and Culture

Stormy Daniels has become front page news. Some people have reproached her morals. There were those who admired her astute business sense. Still others wondered how the president of the United States could have let himself become involved, both physically and financially, with someone who had built a thriving career in the pornography industry.

Comedian Chelsea Handler praised Stormy Daniels by saying, "She's destigmatizing porn stars in front of the entire world She's not stupid. She's not an idiot. She's not a bimbo. She's focused and she's relentless and she's honest, and you know what? It's great. This is the year of the woman, and she is that."

Attitudes toward pornography have changed. Professor Edward Shorter, PhD, FRSC, the Harvard-trained social historian, is the author of many books, including the widely translated History of Psychiatry. Shorter wrote Stormy's World: Inside Porn with the idea that, "Porn drives desire. It gives people new tastes, new ideas that they want to act on."

As Dr. Shorter points out, "We aren't in the 1950s anymore. People today are able to enact their fantasies, and if they see something in porn they really like, they want to do it. This is a huge change in sexuality."

Porn stars, including Stormy Daniels, are part of the story of changing sexuality. Stormy has put porn stars in the headlines.

Yet the back story is that internet porn has actually been changing people's behaviors. "We tend to dismiss porn as something sleazy, probably anti-female, and produced by scabrous smelly men with crack-addled crones," Dr. Shorter says. "But, for women on the whole, porn has been a plus. It has permitted them to enlarge their sexual imaginations, too. In other words, porn has been a gender equalizer. Younger women love porn almost as much as men do."

Penned by an academic historian writing a "hardcore" book, Stormy's World offers a generally positive picture of porn. But it is not advocacy. Dr. Shorter admits  there are aspects of porn that are socially very problematic. Child porn, for example, is wholly unacceptable.

However, according to Dr. Shorter, the whole question of porn and female sexuality does not boil down solely to the binary choice of porn-negative feminism versus porn-positive feminism. Rather, it is layered in subtle ways, and people who think seriously about this interaction must untangle these complexities.

With five of the most fifty frequently visited websites belonging to porn, and Pornhub getting an average of 81 million visitors a day in 2017, it seems that porn has moved into the mainstream. Dr. Shorter shows us how the adult entertainment industry teaches us, shapes our behavior, and enhances our lives.

Stormy's World: Inside Porn
Edward Shorter, PhD, FRSC
BPT Press
Trade paperback edition
Kindle edition

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